This is no joke, we're at war.
If you do not take precautions put in danger to your friends, your acquaintances, the rest of the #anonymous and your own family.
Big Brother exists, is real and watches what you do, who you do and how you do. Be careful. Your communications and your actions on the Internet should be private. Nobody has the right to spy without a warrant, under any circumstances, but it is your responsibility to take care of your rights. When you do not care your rights Corporations, Banks, financial groups and Governments take advantage of it. Do not let them.
Some people tried, convicted and imprisoned for expressing their opinion, for exposing information, for fighting for freedom, fight for the rights of all human beings, not only in China, Cuba, North Korea or Iran, also in Israel, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, USA and Russia. Do not think that living in a country you are safe. Your safety is your responsibility, and being safe you keep us all safe. Do not put easy to them.
First, your machine... (Simple things to do)
Your machine is your window to the world, is your ability to express, to think and know, is your gun. Protect your machine from prying eyes. They can steal your machine, but that does not mean that they can use and watch your stuff.
The easiest way to do this is to password protect the BIOS of your machine to always start from your hard drive and will not boot from a flash drive or CD.
Do not use proprietary software. There are many Linux OS distributions, and one is for you. Do not be slave to any Company. Use FREE SOFTWARE. The proprietary software kills freedom and mind. A proprietary OS is designed to collect information on what to do, who you do and how you do it, and send that information without that you can control when it do or what type of information collected.
When your OS is booting always, ALWAYS must ask the user password. If you allow anyone to boot your OS you are allowing anyone access to the contents of your hard drive and see what you do, who you do and how you do.
Encrypts the contents of your hard drive. If prying eyes put their hands on your machine, first, will have to break the password for the BIOS to boot your machine from a CD or a flash drive and view the contents of your hard drive, because your OS will ask the user password to get into your hard drive. But if they get it and boot your machine from a CD or flash drive, they will find encrypted content and need your private key to view.
If your machine boot a Linux OS distributions, we recommend OpenPGP, or GnuPG. If you use a proprietary OS, we recommend PGP, but we do it with the reserves related to the reliability and security that can provide proprietary software not dependent of the Community.
We can assure you that if you follow these three simple steps, protect your machine's BIOS password, your OS always asks the user password to boot and the contents of your hard drive is encrypted, you do not want anyone to be able to access the contents of your hard drive. Just do not use the same password for the BIOS and the operating system user, and less as a key to encrypt the contents of your hard drive. Do not write passwords to remember anything, do not use dates, social security numbers, names of relatives, try mixing letters and numbers. Remember, your safety is our safety and the safety of your friends, your family and all #anonymous. Do not forget.
Second, your navigation... (the Internet)
The Internet is our world, not theirs, and in our world, our rules. Banks, Corporations, financial groups and their employees, Governments, feed on our data when we surf the Internet. So the rule is clear and simple, do not give details, your name, your age, your address, telephone number, your email... at least not true data. If an Internet service requested our data, gives false information, if ask for your phone, gives a false one, if you ask for your mail, gives a false one, if they ask your name, age, address, gives a false one. If all Internet users did it, many of the databases that manage to keep us controlled not serve for anything. Remember, they use our data to keep us controlled and privacy does not exist because we allow them to control us. We should control them, not they us.
When use your real email encrypts its contents, no one other than the person to whom you send have to read it. If you use your mobile phone sends text messages to the other person, do not call, shortened words, make the unintelligible text message to someone you do not know. If you want to talk on the Internet with someone you know do not use Gtalk or MSN, use Telnet or IRC. MSN and Gtalk keep your private conversations for four long years, but nothing prevents keep longer. Do not take chances.
When surfing the Internet do so anonymously. There are many tools that let you navigate in this way. Do not use your credit card on the Internet unless it is absolutely essential, and if you do need a confirmation of such use and will ask you where to send an email. There are services on the Internet that allow you to create email addresses to use for a few days. Use it.
After all...
These are just a few tips, if you dive on the Internet find more. Remember, your safety is the safety of everyone, so you're your best weapon is your anonymity. Do not let them control you, do not allow access to the contents of your hard drive, do not let them manage your data.
Be confident, be private, be #anonymous, my friend.